white mule winery

Directions 2087 highway 50
owensville, mo 65066
Call (573) 764-4800 Email karen@whitemulebnb.com

The White Mule Bed & Breakfast is a turn of the century farmstead house that is located in the heart of wine country in central Missouri. The winery has utilized an existing barn and several 100 + year reconstructed barns to create a unique atmosphere that gives way to a better understanding of the traditions and values of a time worth reminiscing.

The farmstead sat directly behind the old Charlotte store and post office. The Schlottach’s great grandfather was a blacksmith in the Charlotte Community which served the Old Iron Road Trail that went from St. James Missouri to the Missouri River at Hermann. Oxen and teams pulled heavy iron ore along the trail to barges on the river in the late 1800s.

The Schlottach Family acquired the neighboring Roethemeyer Farm in 2004, planted their first vineyard, and restored the old house naming it The White Mule. The Roethemeyer family was on of the last of the old time farm families in the area still using a pair of white mules to farm their land into the 1980’s. The mules had a favored pasture right along a sharp curve on Highway 50 allowing local truckers to dub the curve “White Mule Curve.”

Come by and try our wines and listen to a few more interesting stories about the White Mule and get a little taste of great American history.


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