giessinger winery

Directions 365 santa clara st
fillmore, ca 93015
Call (805) 405-5557 Email Website

Delicious wines, delectable foods, and wonderful friends are among life’s most treasured joys…

At Giessinger Winery, you will have the opportunity to experience and enjoy wine tasting and delicious food in one of the most lush regions in the world. Our high quality, moderately priced wines bring the art of French wine making to the beautiful California countryside in Ventura County.

It is our steadfast goal to create an atmosphere of hospitality and physical beauty for each of our guests, in order to make the wine tasting experience one of friendship, laughter, and who knows…even romance!

Located midway between Santa Barbara and Los Angeles is the rural picturesque town of Fillmore. Its backyard is the Los Padres National Forest, stretching northward for 300 miles to the Big Sur. The downtown is a functioning Mayberry, RFD, and looks out on the beautiful Heritage Valley. It’s the place described by Sunset Magazine as “the last of the great Southern California citrus groves.” It is a perfect location in which to make wine; but it is much more fun to sample it!

8 Wines For $10


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